
By Paladian

Pacific Gull

Another one for the Blip Big Year, this is the Pacific Gull. The Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus) is a very large gull, native to the coasts of Australia. It's not so common down here in South Australia, and I was lucky enough to get this great specimen down at Victor Harbor today. Just check out that enormous bill!

I tell you what, the weather can change on the flip of a coin. Yesterday was wonderful, but today, down at Victor, there were very blustery conditions, and frequent showers. I think it might have been a bit warmer and dryer in Adelaide.

My beloved Rower is a changed man. Before Blip I would not have got him outside in today's weather. He would have been settled in front of the TV, surrounded by books and newspapers, but today, he was out there with the best of them, blipping away. We did get quite wet, which is a condition the rower is not used to. But he didn't fail or flag. I'm proud of him.

A bigger bill

A bit of a malfunction re the exif data I think. This image was actually taken with a 300 mm lens, 1/500 sec f/9 ISO 250

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