
It's been an odd day.

Better with the weather and a bike ride to start the morning off which always is a good call.

Chased a Peacock butterfly round the field, got the shots for a blip but I feel it's now a question of how many of these shots do I actually want that I haven't got already. Zoomed in on Bridge to get closer.

This week: 

Dad has only had the paramedics out once with a fall, tho' every timed bike ride the phone has gone off in my pocket with one issue or another...many many others. Forms to sign and shopping for them to do on line which is always a mystery to me as to what they actually are eating. I don't mind as I want to help any way I can obviously but it's difficult not being able to get up there and sort it. On the plus side we are all fighting fit and healthy :) Hope you are too!

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