Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Little Moments

It is quite early in the year to be seeing many interesting insects, but as I was hunkered down trying to get a shot of this little lady bird beetle, I spied what I initially thought was a katydid nymph.  Only, it just didn't look quite, not at all.  In fact, it was an Assassin bug nymph and I am quite happy my thumb didn't get any closer in my efforts to nudge it into a better position.  Photo in Extra.  I don't ever recall seeing an assassin bug this early in the year.  Now I'll be on the lookout.  I also think it may be a new-to-me species for the yard.  I believe it is Zelus luridus.  

Hubs and I took down two scraggly trees next to my pollinator garden today.  He wielded the chainsaw and I dutifully hauled huge branches down the hill to the edge of the woods to add to our enormous brush pile.  SIL came out and gave me a hand which was much appreciated.  Now my garden is going to enjoy a lot more sunlight which will be nice.  Getting ready to transplant some phlox down there, hopefully this week.  

Took time out to watch Gov Cuomo.  His address today was particularly good and he had me both laughing and crying as he described his joy at having all three adult daughters home with him now.  The numbers in NY are definitely starting to slowly drop and they are going to start cranking up antibody tests this week.  New Jersey also looks like it is nearing the peak.  Deaths are down but it doesn't seem that infection rates aren't plateaued yet.

Talked to my parents this morning.  We are all settling in for a long recovery process.  None of us is anxious to get out and mix with people.  At the same time, it's hard to keep your mental spirits up under these conditions.  One day at a time...

Be safe.  Stay home.  Be kind...


Covid19 stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 1 PM today - 85,301
Deaths in NJ -  4,202
Positive cases in Sussex County - 659-  62 deaths

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