Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Two Cats

Sometimes you would almost think they could tolerate each other. It does please me when they are close together though.
Today wasn't much warmer than yesterday, but the biting east wind had gone, thank goodness. The day started with the online church service which was from Aberdeen diocese this week.
After that it was out into the garden. I decided to attack our frog pond - which is a bit of a misnomer, but I'm ever hopeful. I cleared out the iris which had completely filled it and encircled the pump in an absolute mass of roots. Managed to disentangle it all and changed the water then put in a smaller clump of iris from the other pond. I put the pump back together and all is working beautifully.
I had less success with the pump in the other pond though which for some reason has given up the ghost today. I took it all apart and it all should be working, the pump seems to be going but it's not doing what it should. I've had it about six or seven years though and as that pond has our fish in it, it needs a pump. I had to bite the bullet and buy one online from a small retailer. It should arrive in a couple of days.
I spent about three and a half hours out there all told, but it was a job I'd been putting off for ages. That's it done now though for the summer. I got very wet and muddy!
We had our daily walk which included the cycle track at a quiet time thank goodness or we'd have been back on the roads.
I'm off to Craigie Farm tomorrow to pick up an order which they'll bring directly to my car. It's going to be nice to be out for a short run in the car, it's all very well petrol being so cheap, but we aren't using any!

Keep well everyone and keep safe

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