A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

HongKong Island and the Peak

A great start to our holiday. The sun has shone and although it was a little cool at the top of The Peak it was a great introduction to this metropolis.

We made our own way to the Peak Tram Terminus partly on foot and partly by tram.
Enroute up Cotton Tree Road we made a detour through HongKong Park to look at the botanical conservatory and the walk through Edward Youde Aviary. It was fabulous and
I took some of my best bird shots to date but was not sure they were very representative of where we are.
Favourite bird shot
At the top of the tramway the views from the Sky Terrace were superb if a little hazy so -
what to choose from these experiences. Well none of them. After walking through the business district we headed for the Star Ferries pier. A brief crossing of Victoria harbour brought us to Kowloon and we walked along the promenade named the Avenue of Stars with Hollywood style hand prints set in the walkway. I didn't know many of them except Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee but the view back to HongKong Island were great.

The cloud was building at this time but here you can see the high towers of the business district with The Peak looking hazy behind. Just enough sun still to sparkle on the water.

Ferry back to Wan Chai pier and then a short walk through the shopping walkways to our hotel.

Enough of doing our own thing we have booked a tour of Lantau Island for tomorrow so a bit easier on the feet; the only problem is we have to be ready for 8.00am!

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