Homeward Bound ...

I find railway travel quite mesmerising, the lights, the speed, the scrolling information window, not to mention the folk sharing their favourite tunes and phone conversations with you. Not being good at voice projection myself, I am kinda in awe of people who can carry on a conversation a whole carriage distant and make themselves clearly heard by me sitting quietly in my corner.
I didn't see Skimble on this occasion, probably because it was only midday not midnight, but I bet he was around somewhere, snoozing and recharging for the night.........

From Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat

Down the corridor he paces and examines all the faces
Of the travellers in the First and in the Third;
He establishes control by a regular patrol
And he'd know at once if anything occurred.
He will watch you without winking and he sees what you are thinking
And it's certain that he doesn't approve
Of hilarity and riot, so the folk are very quiet
When Skimble is about and on the move.

T.S. Eliot

I've back blipped a couple of pix from my London trip...

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