Day 29 Out of focus
Today's MM challenge of Out of Focus does seem curiously apt in these strange and trying times. I've not managed to get a completely out of focus shot (although I seem to do it often enough when I don't intend to) but at least the background is nicely blurred and helped along by SilverEfex Pro. The main subjects are the still attractive remains of the Pasque flowers.
Today was bright and sunny but with a distinctly chilly wind and there was pollen everywhere. Mr MC mowed the lawn for the third time in lockdown and I did pop out for an emergency watering of the drying out pots of pansies and shrubs: I'm feeling particularly allergic atm and running out of effective medication.
In other news, Violet isn't well, most likely a flare up of her glandular fever again, but we can't be sure. No chance of a test unless you've got £400 to spare and even then, we can't be certain that the test is accurate.
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