
By Madchickenwoman

Wisteria Times

Along walk through the woods with Oscar with a stop at Nellie of The Woods. We sat under their wisteria and had a long chat just like the old days! How much things have changed since this time a year ago - but the wisteria is still just as beautiful.
We spoke about the article in The Sunday Times - a litany of the gov's delayed response, then misguided response and continued errors, omissions and dead end decisions all underpinned by their years of underfunding of the NHS they are now clapping for every Thursday yet still not providing the necessary PPE. So we have people making scrubs from duvet covers, the Queen making a nationalistic speech  and a 99 year old man walking round his garden raising money as if the NHS was a charity in need. If he were to have fallen ill what odds he would have got a DNR on his medical record. Well they gave us Brexit and more than half the country were behind them on that - I wonder how many will still continue to think Boris is doing the best of jobs in an  extraordinary situation.
In other news Homeopathic Girl had a visit from the police Saturday night. Her family was playing charades and obviously their sounds of merriment caused a neighbour to think they were having a party - hence the police visit.When the police saw it was a family having a fun night in they left, asking that they put a photo of themselves on facebook for they all had some rather wonderful moustaches drawn on their faces! I hope the neighbour was cautioned for wasting police time - it's a terraced house directly on the narrow street - the meddling neighbour knows they have a large family and being a curtain twitcher would have known there had not been guests turning up.
Despite the feeling this situation will change people, it is sad to realise some leopards don't change their spots - the gov has  already issued a response obfuscating what they did and didn't do and malicious  neighbours will continue to cause mischief and distress to others. Thankfully the majority of people in the village are being community minded. As to the gov - they will continue to cripple this country with their Brexit at some point.

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