
Just the usual routine, broken up by the news that The Supreme Committee for Covid-19 has said that private sector workers can be terminated from their jobs, paid out and sent home. That mainly applies to the thousands of unskilled workers here. For the rest of us, we can have salaries cut, and hours cut, by negotiation. We’re a bit worried at work. But, we’re not the taxi drivers in Kw8 who can’t drive now, we’re not the ones here and there in cramped living quarters with no work, no food, relying on charity.
M called (the CEO). She asked what was wrong? Did I sound that anxious? Could I come in and help with a report tomorrow? Of course. I hope that’s all it will be..
And the day finished with my usual routine.
Oh, and a good chat with a friend in Egypt. Some are following lockdown and curfew, some aren’t. I said hello to his Mum, not met her but she knows of me!
The building is more interesting than it appears in the photo. White buildings are the norm here.

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