
By Undercovercairo


We couldn’t get alcohol (legally) In Kw8, and here you can only get it if you have a permit. That requires residency which I don’t have.. I’m here working illegally.. so my only Western colleague came to see me to say she was going to the shop and do I want anything. A small milk I said. Then she said she was going to the special shop... we were in our (Muslim) manager’s office.. took me a minute or two to understand.. with her permit there’s a limit but she had some to spare, and it was the last day before sales stop as Ramadan is coming.
I spent the day at work, after my manager picked me up early (7.20, we were there by 730 and hours are 8-5 with 30 mins for lunch). So nice to see my colleagues again. I worked on a report. Watching how things work.. hmmm.. my boss has a challenging time with the owner.. nothing was said about salaries..
B dropped me home.. she told me it’s likely I’ll have to pay for my visa.. it’s a lot of money.. most people leave soon after starting.. so the owner deducts as soon as he can.. it’s obviously not legal.. I appreciate her letting me know how things work.. she has her own issues with him too..
A walk, dinner, Netflix, sleep. What a long day!

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