CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Blue upon green

Another gorgeous, sunny day

A quieter day - managed to get my Ugandan Pastor online with Zoom. He is fearful that so many people are going to run out of food soon and that many will die of starvation rather than the virus. There are still no deaths in the country, mainly because the Government imposed a severe lockdown. The consequence is that food cannot be moved around the country. We continue to support our friend as best we can.

In the afternoon, I had a Support call from my Listening Service Supervisor. It was good to talk about issues such as what we would do when someone revealed, for the first time, that they had been abused as a child 50 years ago. We talked about the difference telephone conversations made as opposed to seeing people in the Surgery. We also talked about how we can make the Service more accessible in these difficult times, when normal access channels were closed.

In the afternoon, we went for a walk, inevitably, around the golf course. The photo gives a longer view of the course and the surrounding area.

The weather seems to be set fair until at least the weekend, which is great for walking but the poor gardens are crying out for rain!

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