Bluebells by the Sea

Lockdown Day 30

Another busy day at work, but it was nice to get out with Bobbie and Milou for a walk when I'd finished.  Alan had a meeting from 5pm-6pm, so he went for a walk at lunch time instead.

I walked the circuit down to the seafront and back and  stopped on top of the cliffs to capture these beautiful bluebells.  I've taken a few photos of them over the last few days and always blipped something else, so tonight this had to be my blip.  On our way back we on the bear hunt again and tonight Ted was dressed up as  Policeman.

The boys are getting desperate to be groomed and as Charlotte isn't doing any grooming at the moment, we've ordered some clippers - it's not going to be an easy job and god help them when they're done, but at least they won't realise how bad they'll look!

One bit of good news is that our son-in-law has received a promotion at work yesterday, which is excellent news in the current crisis.  He only started work for this company in January so we're very proud of him.

Sadly the Covid related deaths have increased again today with 823  lives lost compared to yesterday's 449!

Stay safe!

It’s now 9.30pm and we’ve been outside to watch the Elon Musk Skylink - it was amazing to see!

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