
Meet Jack from the Addams family, our clattering of jackdaws that nest in neighbours chimneys. One huge family that don't believe in social distancing and they like to rule the roost. Certainly our little garden birds scatter when the dark shadow descends, usually to steal their food but they can be more sinister and take eggs and young birds. Having said all of that they are very intelligent and the way they socially interact is amazing to watch.

In the lockdown garden there was plenty of morning activity from the wren and the blue tit is still going in and out of the box. The nest is finished with various arrangements of feathers coming and being taken out again. Building it has taken weeks, it is just possible that there are eggs hidden within the nest as the bird doesn't sit any until they are all laid. The blackbird activity has slowed down but I don't know why. My favourite robins continued to regularly feed the fledglings n the depths of various parts of the hedge. I can't wait for them to come out and introduce themselves.

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