A choo
Pollen= sneezing. I hope I don't start when I'm next in a queue for shopping!
Phone call from the local nurseries to say the bedding plants I'd ordered were ready. A surprise as on Friday I was told mid May. Turns out she' d muddled the order and instead of 24 bigger begonias she'd got me down for 36 smaller. No problem . I said I'd be up in the afternoon. A couple of hours later she phoned to say shed made a mistake, they weren't ready.
Ah well a bit early for bedding out.
A local walk..up to the green so Fletch and us got grass under our feet .
Back home and decided, with the strong wind and the sneezing I'd leave the photography till tomorrow.
Blip is of a phone snap of some bluebells in our garden
Despite the hay fever I found a sheltered but sunny spot to read. It's nice to be outside.
A lazy day but I was up at 4 am.. again. Yesterday it was Fletch who had bother with an itchy ear. Stood in the garden with him I noticed my favourite pieris was looking very droopy and the soil was bone dry. So there I was in the dark in my dressing gown watering it.
Last night I woke again at 4 because of the darn insect bites..!
Tonight I'm hoping I can sleep right through but I doubt it.
My baby brothers birthday today! He is 62 !
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