Wonderful, wonderful cousins! :)

I'm just SOOOOO grateful for all the help that they have been giving. It was nice that they were able to make it on a Saturday when I could see them.

Today my friends were moving but I had to cancel helping them to work at my parents. :( The first two extras are the photos they sent me.

The next three extras are of things we found at mom and dads. Everyone really enjoyed the can of dehydrated water! And the last is two cute little faces that made me SOOOO happy to find! I have actually been looking for these guys for years. I thought they had already moved down with me but apparently they were hiding out together in the 'treasure trove' of the loft!
The teddy was my very first teddy given to me by Rod, and my brother and sister bought me my very own baby beans with their own money so that I didn't need to keep 'stealing' Deanna's (or as I called her back then Banana! I was only two or three!)

I have been up almost every weekend since they put the house on the market and yet still barely scratched the surface! My cousins have been fantastic and helped a lot by actually boxing things up! (Mom has been really good at moving one thing to a different little pile in a cupboard!) Arghhh! There is SO much to do! Why, why, why could they not have done this first THEN put the house on the market when we were ready? 

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