Earth Day 2020
Earth Day is 50 years old today. When it went global, 30 years ago, I was living and working in Calgary and I purchased a t-shirt proclaiming Earth Day from an American company. It arrived in the mail and I wore it proudly to work, where I actually got a few eye rolls! How times have changed...
To celebrate the day, we bundled up and went for a nature hike, a short drive away. We met a man and a dog and he asked if we had seen the owls yet....OWLS???? You know I will have to go back....
While there, I could see little birds flitting, flitting, flitting. They were so hard to photograph but I managed to get a few photos to allow me to identify one. I wish the one of the male with its comb up was more complete because I have never photographed a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet with the ruby crown before! However, I am pleased with this little kinglet being curious about me...long enough for me to get its photo.
The icing on the cake, would have been an owl sighting, however, I was even more pleased that my daughter said, "I hear a hawk", seconds before this beauty flew past us and landed in a tree. She then said, 'oh it is the same kind as our hawk!' As she rarely shows an interest in birds, it made me so happy that she pays attention ;)
What a great Earth Day. Now if only it would warm up!! Brrrr....
D x
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