Left at 6.15am for the canal, it was a very grey morning, no sunshine, although by 9.30am the sun came back. Eventually found the little duck that had the eleven ducklings, sad to say there are now only eight remaining. My extra I got on ,my way home and is of the Buzzard and a Crow, was lucky to get this as I was so busy watching them in the hope I could get a blip that I did not see a wire across the ground, caught my foot in it and down I went, luckily it was on a grassy bank. Think it helped my sore back. Lol. Anyway no harm done although the two dogs stood looking at me, as if to say, "what on earth are you doing".
Have rubbed down and cleaned my last gate for painting, so when I am going to do it, it is all ready.
Off now for a short sit in the sun before I go in to feed the dogs.
Many thanks for you visit to my journal.

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