Couldn't Decide ...

... what to use as my main blip, so went for this rare sighting of a school bus. Empty on its return journey I think, but there were two passengers on its way into the town.

We chatted to a friend in the town who was cleaning his windows. We had heard they were stranded in New Zealand but they had managed to get back after a two week delay. He was very impressed with the management of the virus situation over there. Sadly one of the party they were touring with had shown some minor symptoms, got back to the US, but died just after being diagnosed. He did have some major underlying heart issues. Our friends were OK thankfully.

We thought there was a lot of traffic about today, for some reason we counted no less than 8 police cars driving up and down the main road through the town. Perhaps the A40 was blocked?

Also saw some cows chewing the cud, and lots of work going on to repair the old A40. I for one will be pleased when this opens again, though looking at the local Facebook page some people are unhappy it is being fixed as they now like to walk and ride their bikes along the old closed road. Blimey, 6 months ago I think people were complaining about it being closed :-)

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