Lake Manapouri
I don't usually take panoramas as l am not keen on the slight fisheye look they seem to sometimes have but here is an exception. This was taken on a brilliant sunny day out on Lake Manapouri as we crossed over to catch the bus and then the boat out on to Doubtful Sound for the night.
On another note all deliveries seem to have come. Yesterday meat and fish arrived all packed in dry ice, labelled and ready to go straight into the new freezer, another delivery of fresh fruit and veg and early this morning (5:30), a dairy delivery of milks, cheeses, yoghurt and butter. We have not been able to get a supermarket delivery, all slots full and not taking on new customers but seem to be managing on the smaller entrepreneurs, may well continue with these people when this is all over!
I don't know quite how this has happened but we were led to believe that having arrived back in the UK from abroad we were to self isolate for two weeks, l actually took the time to look up the official guide yesterday and discovered that this is not so, the guide says if we feel well just to self distance. And so there, we have been rigidly staying in and only going for a walk in semidark when no one else is about and looking forward to the day when we could go across to our allotment which we can do under the guidance rules. It may have been a hangover from NZ where anyone coming into the country does have to self isolate for two weeks and we have just transferred this across, l think we will continue to do so anyhow as it does seem wise.
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