Today has been mainly spent on the balcony. But do you know what?.................... Out of the 79 flats in our complex NOBODY else ever seems to spend time on their balconies. Even when we all do the 'CLAP' on a Thursday night everybody just stands at their windows. How strange is that?

Anyway for the last 5 days the weather has been fabulous and Ann has been sitting out on our balcony reading a book. Ann NEVER reads books. She doesn't see the point in reading books. In fact I don't think she has read a book since she was at school and had to read books for her English 'O Grade & Higher' exams. And even then she only did the bare minimum. Ie, she read the summary on the back cover and made it fit any question. Lol!!! And got a 'B' for both.  How clever was she?

However, in these strange and difficult times my 61 year old owner is learning new skills all the time. After only 32 days in lock down Ann can do things that she never, ever, had any interest in before and things that she had absolutely no desire to learn before. Like using a self-service check-out and casting a live show from Facebook onto her TV and video calling friends/family on facetime & whatsapp & skype. …..............And reading a book??!!

The book she is reading is, 'Woman to Woman' by Cathy Kelly. Apparently it's a No 1 best seller. (Photo in extras) And the only reason that she's reading this book is because it's the only novel she has a friend gave it to her about 6 months ago when she said she was going to start reading books. Obviously Ann never got round to reading it!!! And now she's on page 236 so only another 235 pages to go and all that's happened so far is; 'stay at home' woman's husband has left her with 10 year old twins, so ex competent woman at work, but now stay at home mother, has to go back to work. And 'high flying career girl' gets pregnant but boyfriend doesn't want to know. ….......Riveting stuff??!!  Ann's probably wasted about 10 hours of her life to get to this point??!!

Fortunately Ann needed bread today so on my afternoon walk I got tied up outside a shop on the way home and while she was buying bread she also bought a couple of magazines. Hopefully those will keep my human amused tomorrow. …..........But she might have to re-start reading the book on Sunday.   After all the next 235 pages might turn out to be really exciting??????

…...............And people actually go to book clubs to discuss books??? Life is short. Ann feels really guilty that she's spent most of the last few days sitting on a balcony reading a book, but at least at the moment there really isn't much else to do.

Oh and obviously if Ann is out on the balcony then I'm out on the balcony too. I usually position myself in the sunniest spot for a little snooze, but every now and again I get up and put my paws up on Ann's legs for a little bit of reassurance. She always tickles me behind my ears and says, 'Trixie the collie pup, I love you.' And then I go and settle back down for another snooze.

PS - Isn't Donald Trump a pratt??????

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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