Look what we had delivered at the end of last week. ….............A 15kg bag of dog food. That's even more than I weigh! I wonder how long it's going to take me to eat 15kg of food. Ann never buys this much dog food at a time because we do not live in a mansion and so have no where to store a bag this big. However as our spare bedroom is now full of stuff waiting to go to the charity shops (and we're obviously not going to be having anyone to stay in the immediate future) she thought she might as well just order me a massive bag and keep it in the spare room.

The trouble with 'following the rules' is........................ we're only shopping local and our local little Sainsbury's only has 'adult' food and I'm not an adult yet. I'm only 17 months old and Ann wants to keep me on Junior food until I'm about 24 months old.

However, the trouble with buying a bag of food this big is................ I'm going to be eating fish and rice forever...........................

Ann normally buys me 3 or 4, 1.5-2kg bags at a time and I get different flavours which last me about a month. To be honest, fish is one of my favourites but the fish food stinks reason she bought me fish & rice was because the turkey, chicken & duck, were all £10 more. Why do you think that is?

…......Now Ann is having a bit of a panic that if I only eat fish & rice for the next three months, then I'm not going to want to eat any of the other flavours/makes??

Just another problem that life in lock-down is throwing at us.

Oh and we're just wondering whether else is having a problem with their 'perfect pooches' when people phone their humans for a chat? I'm generally really well behaved in the house. I spend most of my time snoozing and every now and again I'll play with my toys. ….....Hmmmmm...................... the minute Ann starts to talk to people on the phone I go into 'spoilt brat' mode and start 'jumping up' at her or I chuck all my toys under the sofa so that Ann has to retrieve them for me. Before lock-down I never used to care who she spoke to on the phone?????

Just another problem that life in lock-down is throwing at us.

Oh well, ho hum, I suppose if that's all my human has to worry about then life can't be all bad.

PS – A few weeks ago we had a RANT about how much poo bags cost in our little local Sainsbury's - £1.50 for 50. One of you lovely Blippers commented that we should just buy 'nappy sacks' instead. (Sorry can't remember who you were or which Blip we RANTED on). What a fabulous idea. Yesterday when Ann was doing Mrs R's shop in Aldi she bought 150 nappy sacks for 85p. They're stronger, bigger & smell nicer than my normal poo bags. #whatagoodidea Thank you whoever you were that suggested this. Xxxx

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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