Devon Violet

From hedgerow and garden
a floral April rainbow ...

Red Campion
Orange marigold
Yellow dandelion
Green hellebore
Blue ceanothus*
Indigo iris*
Violet violet

*See Extras from our front garden

On our walk in yesterday's warm sunshine, I counted eight orange-tips. Today, in cooler temperatures, the sun had only just broken through by the time we set off on our late afternoon walk and, in the haze, we saw none.

Walk slightly curtailed when I got a sudden pre-migraine aura, so we headed home. A migraleve tablet and a lie down in a darkened room for an hour sorted me out (more or less). An early night beckons ...

To add to yesterday's delight, this morning the same garden robin perched on my hand - twice again - to collect snacks. Proof I didn't dream it! Other achievement today was the baking of a Mary Berry recipe chocolate and beetroot cake. Had to test it, of course, with an afternoon cuppa. Delicious! So, we're all set for the spot-the-difference-from-weekdays weekend. Have a good one, blipmates. Keep safe.

(Thanks to BikerBear Anni, host of Flower Friday.)

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