CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Delightful Bergenia

Another lovely afternoon after a dull morning

I had a lovely, relaxing day - took a number of flowers, experimented with macro settings on my 70-300 mm lens and was pleased with the result of this Bergenia. It was taken at a bright part of the day - I know, I should have waited till the 'golden hour' but I had plans for then.

Later in the day, we went for our exercise walk over the golf course and out onto a path (?) through the edge a field. It definitely was one of those 'paths less taken' - but we got where we wanted to go. 

When we got back, we discovered we had missed our grandson and his new wife, who had brought me a card and cake for my Birthday tomorrow - oops, did I just let that slip :-) Still, we had seen him yesterday when he dropped off our shopping. At the start of lockdown, he threatened us with all kinds of blue murder if we went anywhere the shops! Not that we are complaing - no way would we want to go join those long queues.  So, we are well looked after by him and our son who lives 5 minutes away. 

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