
By wanderingsailor

Light from the window

Another day of pottering in the garden. I planted seeds and tidied up a bit . What a glorious sunny day again.
We were wondering where to plant the various "crops". We used to have a veg patch but the Catholic school decided to plant 12 poplars along the boundary which have grown so big that the whole area is shaded and any moisture sucked from the ground. Veggies in the flowerbeds methinks !
The tower that is used to erect the wind turbines( yesterday's blip) was apparently towed off out to sea today although we couldn't see it as it was behind the trees.
Popped out to see if I could see the train of satellites again tonight and noticed my pot of flowers looked rather nice by the light from the window. We often photograph inside by a window but I seldom think of doing it the other way round.
Thank you for dropping by and for your lovely comments and stars. Take care and keep safe and well.

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