Red Squirrel


A Pale Shadow ...

See it as a LARGER SHADOW.

I took a walk into Bracondale wood at lunchtime. With almost all the snow now gone I wondered what, if anything, may have been lurking underneath that was blippable. Sadly there was little of note, but I did find the spiny puffballs that had been there in October and November. In October I'd blipped one particular puffball that had amused me no end, and had caused similar giggling among my workmates and other blippers. That same puffball was still there but oh, what a difference. The once proud - ermmm - vigorous looking - puffball is now a pale shadow of its former self! In fact it now reminds me more of a short dress for an extremely "well endowed" woman, lol. Sadly the passage of time and wear and tear have taken their toll, as they inevitably do to all living things .....

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