
After our long walk yesterday I fell asleep reading my book in bed. I don’t think that has ever happened before. But I woke at 5 am.

Mr C took a rucksack of empties to the bottle bank which was unsurprisingly full.

#2 daughter arrived with a load of shopping - such delights as croissants and olives and butter. Oh tomorrow’s breakfast will be wonderful. Well not the olives. We’ve eaten them while we caught up with London friends on FaceTime.

Daughter had removed herself from the boys’ class WhatsApp group of parents. It is making her feel so inadequate with all the super-mums posting pix of their children being creative or doing the school stuff when she thinks her boys are just fighting and refusing to read or do sums. Of course they are happy boys most of the time but sometimes it all gets too much for them all. She was so excited at the chance to go to get our food shop and have an hour in the car on her own. It is hard that we are unable to help. However we sat in the sun and had a chat and it was lovely to see her.

Chloe has recommended we watch The Detectorists and I recommended Gary Tank Commander.

Apparently we’ll be getting our great leader back tomorrow.

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