On top of the world

That’s what I felt when we got back today and found we’d done over 9 miles, 22,000 steps and climbed quite a height too. That’s the furthest I’ve gone since I broke my ankle 16 months ago, as the arthritis in my other foot has got bad. But it’s warm and dry which helps, as I can walk in comfy trainers rather than proper walking boots or shoes.

We went straight from the house, up through the woods, across the moor, through primrose Woods (where we heard a cuckoo), down the red road,, steeply up Cartington Hill, across the top and down towards a remote cottage. The path disappeared so we cut across the heather to reach a track to the Whittingham road, along to Varyington Farm, across a couple of fields, up the hill through Blue Mill wood, over the moor and home. Luckily we’d taken a sandwich and plenty water, as it was warm and sunny.

I’m aching now and Mr C is having a nap - nothing to do with the walk I’m sure - it would be the Pimms we had in the garden on our return.

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