Blooming marvellous

After collecting the Sunday paper I took my exercise in the Meadows. Everyone keeping apart and exercising, some doing sit ups and press ups. Looked very energetic. A few like me pausing to admire and photograph the blossom which is, as forecast, now in full glory.

Back home and after several hours (in the eventual sunshine) finished removing the wild garlic and other weeds. Planting out tomorrow.

I now have an over-full garden bin ( which is not likely to be collected for weeks) and 7 full boxes of garden waste. A neighbour has advised of a private firm who will uplift but I shall hold on to my cash meantime.

At least the pile of shame ( the glass recycling) is likely to be uplifted in stages soon. by the Council.

Post script: Realised I originally posted a less than fully focused picture - now the extra - so changed the main blip

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