
By Finonina

Spot the Difference

Over in Beverley today and interested to see that they too have cream telephone boxes. As everyone in the UK will know, our British phone boxes are red, but not in Hull and environs. Oh no siree. Hull is special, innit. As you can see, all the boxes are cream and apparently the police there wear special helmets too.

The reason dates back to 1908... Hull had the only municipally owned telecom company in the country, Kingston Communications.

And so they decided cream would be the colour, and the tradition still holds today.

In other news, great to meet my partner in crime Wendy. Great fun bargain hunting (we both bought fabulous faux furs, dahlink) after putting the world to rights and a good old goss over a coffee in MnS.

Sometimes it's just gotta be done.

Night peeps, Fi xxx

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