Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Lockdown Day 35 - This little piggy.............

A busy day, I went out after breakfast on my first litter picking foray along the local canal.  While I appreciate it was my first effort with the new litter 'pickerupperer', I was worried I would run out of bags before I completed the mile section I regularly walk.  Hopefully future walks won't need so many bags. The extra is a record of some of the waste collected.

Then we had to take Fleur to the vets because she's hurt her back.  This has happened before and the vet couldn't find any breaks, but she's definitely feeling it.  Perhaps the feline version of a bad back!

Finally, after lunch we visited the local fruit farm for provisions.  We had a quick walk first around the local footpaths coming across these very inquisitive piglets on the way.  It didn't dissuade us from buying sausages!

Day Miles: 7.0 miles Total miles: 537.4 miles

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