
Sitting in the tree tops swaying in a gentle breeze, looking so innocent - perhaps he is.

Starlings were introduced to New Zealand in 1862-63 and are widespread to the fringes of the forests. Interestingly their black glossy sheen of green and violet plumage becomes glitteringly starlit in winter when each feather is tipped with white. Gradually feathers are worn and spots disappear, so by the breeding season adult birds are entirely glossy black - I always thought it was a junvenile, age thing but its seasonal instead.

Not a very inspiring day, a bit disappointed with myself actually. I had a monarch caterpillar on a new swan plant, it was getting nice and fat and progressing rather well. Each day I've kept an eye on it looking several times but today it was gone! Perhaps a bird got it, can't find it anywhere, wished I'd put something around and over it for a little protection - ah well, gone is gone.....

Is he the culprit....... you know they like caterpillars.

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