Guess what?........................... I'm an inspiration. Can you believe that? Let me explain.......................

This afternoon I walked through 'Midmar Paddock' and who should I spot but the gorgeous little puppy Labrador that lives in the block of flats opposite us. We've spied him from the balcony when he's been going out on his walks but we've never met him in real life before so Ann decided she'd introduce herself to his owners (2m apart of course). He was on his long lead doing some recall training but he was allowed off to have a play with me. Yay!

Anyway, it turns out that I inspired his owners to get him. Apparently they met me when I was a weeny, teeny, little puppy and his owners used to watch Ann taking me out in my stroller before I'd had all my injections and watched Ann taking me out every 2mins couple of hours when she was toilet training me. OMG can anyone remember the amount of ranting Ann did when she was trying to toilet train me?

He's only 5 months old and he's called Logan and I had ever such a nice play with him. His owners are lovely too and they kept telling Ann what an inspiration she I was. They said that they'd always wanted a dog but didn't know whether it was possible to have one in a flat. ….............And then they saw me & Ann. …............And realised anything was possible. ….........Oh and Logan seems to be a lot better toilet trained than I was at 5 months, probably because boys mark their territory more, but hey ho, I'm perfect now.

Ann should really have Blipped me playing with Logan but she was too busy chatting to his owners so she didn't so here I am in the Hermitage.

Oh and just a teeny weeny rant because Ann is the 'Queen of Rants'.................. Logan's owners got him before lock down. BUT there seems to be a lot of people who are buying dogs on a whim so that they can go out walking with them or train them to become perfect pooches whilst they're at home all day. My owner has two things to say to these people...................  Actually she's got three things to say to these people...............
1  A dog is for life, not just for lock down.  Humans need to committ to the whole of a doggies life (approx 15 years)
2  Remember that lock down is not going to last forever so when the family goes back to work/school is your cute little puppy going to be trained to stay 'home alone'?


3 One of the most important aspects of a puppy's training is socialisation, both with humans & other dogs. How are you going to achieve that in lock down?

Just saying....................................

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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