The good thing about lock down is............................. After more than 5 weeks my human has actually now got used to the fact that we are 'locked in' and we have a new routine. She doesn't feel the need to RANT about what she can't do any more. She just feels the need to turn this very, very, negative experience into a positive experience and share what we CAN do.

Fortunately she has me, Trixie the 17 month old collie pup, who needs to be walked twice a day. We know one is only supposed to go out for exercise once a day but as we live in a 4th floor flat, Ann would argue that taking me out twice a day (& letting me outside before bedtime for a wee) is 'essential' going out.

This afternoon for my walk we went through Braidburn Valley Park where I was allowed to splish and splash and splosh. Then we went through Colinton Mains Park and then we walked through the woods behind the old City Hospital (and didn't meet one single other person). Then we walked through the maize of houses and flats that have popped up there in the last couple of decades. After that I walked over the Merchants Golf Course (on my lead) to East Craiglockhart Hill where I was allowed off lead for a run about. And then we had a bit of a trek around the old 'Craighouse Mental Institution' which was really interesting for my human not me. In these times of lock down we're discovering some really nice new places for my walks.

And to get back to our new routine..................... On a Wednesday I get left 'home alone' while Ann goes to Aldi to do Mrs R's shop. On a Thursday we go out on the balcony at 8pm to do the 'clap for the NHS'. On a Sunday at noon Ann has a 'video chat' with some of her friends. And that is our new routine for the whole week. …........Only three planned things in the whole week apart from my walks but actually my human is now feeling quite calm & relaxed. We're in lock down, so we just have to get on with it.

PS – Who else is going to be watching, 'How to keep your dog happy at home'? ITV tonight at 8.30pm peeps.

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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