Raindrops on Bluebells

......are one of my favourite things. We finally got some much needed rain overnight and this afternoon, just over half an inch per my rain gauge. A quiet day today, a walk first thing, then some washing and gardening, then a long FaceTime chat with my friend T, followed by a Sainsbury's delivery. 

Day 46 / Day 38 of Full Lockdown (for my record only)
UK (testing confirmed) CV deaths reported up 674 to 26,771 (reported as  26,711 but that didn't tally), Italy up 285 to 27,967, Spain up 268 to 24,543. In the US, 30M have lost their job in the last 6 weeks. Over 1M have recovered from CV globally.

The PM chaired his first daily briefing since returning to work and confirmed we are now past the peak. Over 80,000 tests were carried out yesterday. He said next week he'd outline the steps to unlock the economy when the time was right. Other reports say key risk factors for poor outcomes with CV are being elderly, male, obese and that the rate of death for those admitted to hospital is the same as for Ebola. Lloyds Bank profits fall 95% in the 1st qtr due to a huge increase in provisions for bad debt. Captain Tom Moore celebrated his 100th birthday with a flypast by a Spitfire and Hurricane, an honorary title of Colonel, birthday greeting from the PM, 140,000 cards including one from the Queen; his fundraising page closes tonight and currently stands at £32.5M.

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