The Rain Came

She declared to me at one point today "I'm the Village Crazy Lady" and she pretty much lived up to that declaration for most of the day. Perhaps lockdown madness......! A  favourite moment of mine in the day was when her clarinet lesson began with her teacher getting a full screen shot of a T-Rex, courtesy of Katie's jumper of the day. 

Katie worked really hard during school today, usual maths and literacy etc but also knuckling down for some extra time to put together a totally voluntary project piece about Elgar. B gave her a new piece for this week (Salut D'Amour, so pretty) and asked Katie to find out a couple of bits about Elgar. So Katie did a whole leaflet about him. 

She was quite cross that the arrival of the rain meant I was a bit less willing for her to charge up and down some of the routes we often explore (that globally repeated phrase of "please don't get broken, we don't want to go to A&E at the moment") but she was somewhat placated by the fact I didn't care when she chose to drench herself in the puddles. 

After a day of crazy weirdness, we had a glorious last 90 minutes together. She came and snuggled on my bed beside me as I read the news and she read her book. We then spent an hour watching Sander Bloemart in conversation with Gary Avis, the most fabulous character dancer from the Royal. He was fascinating to listen to. 

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