Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A little bit of Magery...

Powerful stuff the imagination....

My head was full of mystifying images and sensations last night. As it is so often with the morning after such dreams, the heart still feels the residue, the thrill of a life most magical.

All day it has sat in the back of my mind, tickling the awareness of a dream memory. From the corner of my eye something whizzes out of view, was it there at all? Children see things all the time....have we just become so worldly that we no longer believe in things like that, why does every civilisation have stories of such things as imps and faeries?

We all have our own magic...spells that we cast....talismans that we protect ourselves with....and the belief that power exists that we cannot control...for what is superstition if not a belief in fate.

So it is with a childlike heart that today passed, open to experience, not crushing fanciful ideas, but playing in the world of imagination....a little magic...for in a small part of my mind....I would love to be a Mage!

Too many Fantasy books when I was a kid perhaps?!

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