Off my rocker

More diplomacy. There’s a certain tree a couple of gardens along (just a sycamore: technically a weed, even in conservation areas, which we’re not, OK?)  which the owner has allowed to grow and grow. Totally unsuitable for small gardens IMHO and more to the point, it is just coming into leaf which will deprive our little sitooteri of sunshine in the late afternoon for an hour or two. So I’d innocently asked said owner (who’s friendly, but reclusive) what her plans were for it and offered financial assistance if she might have any plans for trimming it. And receiving a friendly enough response, voila, I conjured up almost instantly tree surgeon SP who was working in the area to come and schmooze. And charm. We have a deal.
Later, a bit of dreaming about the boat. I’ve a jammed rocker switch - one of an array. And I wonder, given the length of time that I have to ponder, whether I could possibly fix it. A deck floodlight. Hardly essential. But imagine the joy of getting it fixed. I’m almost all a tingle.
Later, the WBRA zoom in. I fear I've taken an action. Idiot.

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