A rainy and windy day

It's been a rainy and windy day today. The weather was awful. A very uninspiring and grey day, which didn't help my mood either..

However I managed to get myself out of the flat and go to the gym and then to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for a cake I'm making for the Edinburgh Whisky Blog. Being busy keeps my mind off sad thoughts.. The gym did me good! It was good I had a day off today as well..

It's just.. everything happened so fast... sort of unexpected. Being far away from my family doesn't help either and it feels a bit unreal, a bit like a dream, not sure how to explain it.. Thank you so much for all your kind comments and messages, by the way. I do really appreciate them and they did really help! You're all really nice xx

I hope you all had a good day :) x

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