Reflections #2

What a day today!

Last night I had a great time with my friends and everything was good until I woke up this morning at around 7am with a really painful stomach ache. This awful pain has been with me almost all day, for eight hours solid. Feeling much better now that the pain is finally away.

On top of that, I had an appointment today with the solicitors regarding the car crash I was involved in back in July. They told me to go to their offices at 4pm. I had a look at the letter and the only address I could see was a Glasgow address. So, instead of checking if they had any offices in Edinburgh, because I'm a big numpty, I went all the way to Glasgow, with the pain! Then, in the Glasgow office they told me that my appointment was in Edinburgh, to which I replied I was really sorry but I thought they didn't have an office in Edinburgh because that's the only address I could see in the letter they sent me, and besides nobody'd said to me anything about Edinburgh. Anyhow, luckily there was a consultant there that could deal with my case and everything was settled. This picture was taken in Glasgow!

Back from Glasgow I had to go to Tesco's to get the ingredients for a cake I'm making for the anniversary of a whisky blog next week. On my way back, I saw two kids fighting in the middle of the road. The other kids around them, instead of doing anything about it, were actually encouraging them to continue fighting, which I found rather sad. Luckily, an older man came round and put and end to it, who, aided by another adult, managed to separate the two kids.

Back at home now. No pain, thank god! Hoping to have a good sleep tonight!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on the first blip of my new theme. I made spotlight! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! :)

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