Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 40: Ed’s Cafe as the sun goes down

It wasn’t all smiles today. Mystic Em commented that we were a little bit at the end of our tether, which I think is true. Don’t get me wrong, the weather was lovely and we got out for a walk. It was quite a chilled day and I managed to get the garden looking really lovely by late afternoon. But there was a certain something in the air, a feeling of being jaded and wanting to move on. And I think we are all beginning to realise just what a big change this is going to make to the world we live in. There is a new norm coming and it won’t be normal. Lockdown is a space between two worlds, one dying, the other struggling to be born.

Self indulgent moment over: there is wine, sunlight and the people we love. And we are not suffering, we have not lost, we have not had to work on the front line and see the terrible things at first hand whilst worrying about our own safety.

Tomorrow will be better.

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