Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 39: 21st century man

Pretty soon covering up will be the new norm. I’m already laughing at the thought of all those rabid right wing Islamaphobes who now have to ape the burka whether they like it or not. Pubs won’t serve beer in pint glasses but will give you drip feeds that you can slip under your face mask. 

It won’t just be faces. Paper money will be outlawed. There will have to be twice as many train carriages with half as many seats. Public spaces like art galleries will have chessboard style two metre squares painted on the floor with only one person allowed in a square at a time. You will need to complete a health questionnaire before buying a sausage roll in Greggs...

I was semi productive today. Had bloods taken by a very chatty nurse. But very tired come the evening - must have been all that disco dancing in the bedroom. 

This is my new eye patch with face covering. Won’t stop the bugs but makes me look cool...

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