
By jennym999

Day 45- 1 Blue plaque for 2 people

Day 45 - one blue plaque......2 people who lived in the same house at different times. The Georgian building (See extra) is now Hampton Library in Rosehill, overlooking Thames Street opposite the Thames Water Works. John Beard (1717-1791) was an English tenor best remembered for many roles in Handel’s operas and oratorios. William Ewart (1798-1869) was a British politician. After Eton and Oxford he was an MP from 1828 to 1868. He was responsible for many useful measures including in 1850 a bill for establishing free libraries supported out of public rates. He was also a strong advocate for the abolishment of capital punishment.

In 1863 he conceived the idea of a Blue Plaque to commemorate a link between a location and a famous person or event. The first plaque was for Lord Byron in 1867 by the Royal Society of Arts. Did Ewart hope there would be one for him some day?!

- bike ride on new bike and did some adjustments
- card to post office for friend whose sister has died and has a mum in care home with Covid 19.
- sorted out all plants on the balcony

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