Silly ............

 ............... Saturday187  (SilS187) - with thanks to admirer for hosting.

Thought I would take a nice photo of the evening sun glinting on the stack pipe of the bungalow diagonally behind our house .......... ermmmmm it didn't come out quite as planned and looks more like a small, shiny something-or-other!!    Silly me.    You can actually JUST make out the roof tiles and the rest of the stack if you look carefully (and on a larger setting) - and it was taken in the daylight - around 6pm.

Smile for the Day

A plastic surgeon is asked if he has ever been asked to do something really unusual ......
 ...................."  No "  he replies  " but I have raised a few eyebrows "

Boom boom!


~ Anni ~

Posted on the 3rd for Saturday 2 May 2020.

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