Boeuf bourguignon.

Is what we're having for supper tonight. This was going to be the sum total of my blip today, but just now Grandson Franky has provided me with something to add!

Earlier today I was sorting through a pile of old photos and came across some proofs a photographer had taken of us and the girls many, many years ago, there was this particular one (Extra) of daughter No1, and it just reminded me of how much her son Franky looks like her.I Whatsapp'd it to her.  So, she shows it to Franky and asks "Who does this look like?" She obviously saw the resemblance. He says "I don't know him, he doesn't go to my school". HILARIOUS! Not only does she have to live with the fact that  Mummy looks like a boy, she also has to live with the fact that her Mummy (me) did this to her  ... 1. The hair cut! And 2. For putting her in that 'Sound of Music' dress, which I might add I was very proud of as I'd made it, and one for her younger sister too!

How I love blip and being able to record these memories!

PS. Just have to add this. When J told him it was her, he didn't believe her and carried on about his day being a Dinosaur! Oh to be 5 years old in these troubled times!

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