It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Chesterton Church

We went on a bike ride today but this time we were out for three hours! More days of being an uncomfortable sit down at work on crappy child like plastic chairs! Hopefully we will go on bikes every weekend and I can start to build up some leg strength. Trying to walk up the stairs when I got home was a bit of a struggle! lol 
I took the Mavic mini but the roads were packed and loads of others on bikes too. The car park to the church was full! I really think people are just ignoring the government now and going anywhere they can get to thats open to be able to walk around.
After the ride we got home and I cooked tea, so because I crashed on the sofa afterwards I haven't had a chance to try out the Mavic 2 Pro! 
Maybe tomorrow sometime. The only problem with working nights is that I cant turn around my shift pattern for two days! Im either wide awake at night or crashing out in the day! No happy medium.

Anyway this photo was taken on my Dads little Sony RX100 m4. Its compact and bijou, I have been using it in raw and manual but today I needed a quick little compact so I stuck it on auto superior which I didn't know it still kept the image RAW! Bonus



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