Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa


Had a headache all day. Think it's probably a migraine. Hope it is gone tomorrow.

Quick trip into town this morning, then home for a quick lunch before Euan went to playgroup. Went shopping in Asda with Granny to get some birthday presents for Euan. Handed in his forms to enrol for pre nursery and came home to lower Rhonas cot as when I go to get her in the night, I usually find her kneeling or standing up against the bars!

Tea was pork chop in a lovely (low fat) sauce with rice and runner beans. Euan and Rhona had baked potato and tuna. Rhona just spat hers out when I fed her it off a spoon so I ended up scooping it out the bowl onto her high chair tray where she happily grabbed it and gobbled it out her hands!

Away to bed shortly to try and sleep off my headache. Night night.

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