Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Eva's not been so keen to ride recently and I've been a bit jittery since Toby's fall so I haven't pushed it. She always loves it when she's on but she is also loving lock down and being home nearly all the time so isn't that bothered about coming to the yard with me right now. Tonight she had a little go at lungeing instead just so he's had some exercise. I was stood right behind her. Jack was a good boy although he took advantage and put it a few stops!

I had a big rush to get all his rubber mats out of the stable as it's being painted tomorrow. He'll need to stop out so I wanted to use the opportunity to get them out and disinfected etc as from next week he'll need in every day. They are just so heavy and smelly- it's a horrible job! Made me tired and grumpy and Eva kept whining at me she wanted a drink and can we go home now etc etc

Then Lime had a tantrum about having his feed bucket two seconds after Buddy (as it's not physically possible for me to be in 2 places at once!) and flung it out of my hand across the field so he only had a handful of feed left. I was in a very bad mood by the time I was done!

Most of today was spent painting the kitchen island. I had a last minute change of heart on the colour and I'm still not 100% sure I've made the right choice but hopefully it'll grow on me!

Mike has moved the chook run round to make room for the trampoline when it finally arrives. Little bit nervous as the space is 10ft exactly and the trampoline is 10ft. Worried that the legs on it taper out and the measurements are for the jump area so he might have to rebuild the chicken run. He will not be pleased!

We have a poorly chicken at the mo. Hope she's going to be ok. Think she has sour crop. She picked up a bit through the day. She's on probiotic yogurt and some fancy supplement. She's eating again but seems very lethargic. I've never successfully nursed a chook back to health as normally by the time they show symptoms their are very ill. I really hope she'll be ok as if she goes it's not going to be easy to get any more and they don't like being on their own :0( and we're quite attached to her.

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