Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 42: May the Fourth be with you

Do not under any circumstances attempt interstellar travel during lockdown. If your journey is essential please do not travel for more than 2  light years and ensure that you keep at least two light Sabres (or the width of one bantha) distance between yourself and anyone else who is travelling in space.

The annual Star Wars day, as May 4th has become, is worthy of celebration and in fact I sometimes wonder if it shouldn’t be a bank holiday on a global scale. Apparently the Jedi religion is up there above Buddhism and just below Christianity and Islam in popularity. Although much as I like it, I am more of a Star Trek fan myself. I think it is more intelligent in execution with more rounded characters. And 7 of 9 is way sexier than Princess Leia in my book. 

Today I was highly productive and put together the vegetable trough that TSM had bought. Inevitably the cats assumed it was something for them to play in (see extra). I also went through the veg box to see what needed using up and did a load of cooking and baking. And early this evening TSM and I went for a 5K walk. So an active day.

Back to work tomorrow, from home anyway. Will be interesting to see how that goes given that my vision is still useless ...

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