Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

No so much a haircut ...

... more a retro colour explosion experience.

Took me a while to find a salon that was open / cut men's hair / had any staff / had any appointments / didn't have a problem with the post lockdown look of my locks. The proprietor was a nice guy who collected stuuf but didn't know how to cut hair. He had people who did that for him, a young man who (he told me) went to cosplay in Star Wars character with his girlfirend as Princess Leia. Well today is May The Fourth ... The other stylist was a young Norwegian woman who had had to leave Oslo for unspecified reasons and was now in Woking and in the early part of her tonsorial career.

Anyway it was a good experience although the result left something to be desired. Not sure if I will give them a second chance. Ran some Curl Power from TSM's Lush collection through my hair to try and give it a bit more shape.

I went hunting for cupboard doors today, unsuccessfully. Difficult things to get if you want something that is out of the usual. I did visit a timber yard in Losely Park which we had been to before a couple of years ago and is worth visiting just for all the gorgeous woods they have. 

We are on day sixteen of the bathroom project and it still has a way to go. Can't fault their thoroughness or their workrate. It just feels like a long time since our house was ... normal ...

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