
I woke up around 3am and felt my neck feeling really stiff. I reached over for something and then felt the muscle pull. It’s been hurting all day where the pain goes all the way down my back. I’m not sure what caused it. Possibly, working from home and being hunched over the laptop a lot.
I went for my usual bike ride along the river but had to be really fast this morning as I had a meeting at 9.30am. Ben had a four hour meeting so I asked him to leave the kitchen (where he normally works). The kids and I got to sit around the kitchen table having lunch together. As I’ve been cycling along the river every day, I have been fascinated about the tidal change in the river so we had a discussion about that. Jack spent the afternoon preparing for his exams whilst the girls did some painting. Bibi painted a bunch of flowers and Penny painted a map of the London bridges. Once the shops are open, I shall buy some frames and put them up in the kitchen.  When they were finished, Bibi and I did twenty minutes of HIT exercises and then she cooked dinner for us. Later on we had a virtual game of family fortunes with the other Joneses.

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